We live in a generation when Chassidus needs to, at last, be applied and internalized in the deepest and most experiential way. Slogans and repeating words are ineffective.
I hope that t he new “Bar Mitzvah Maamar app” will help Bar Mitzvah boys not only learn how to say over the Maamar accurately but also enable them to understand and internalize it's profound message, of how Hashem, in His most intimate and transcendent "space," craves for a relationship with every bar-mitzvah boy.
Dean and Rosh Yeshiva of theyeshiva.net
Yud Alef Nissan 5777/2017
The Rebbe stressed several times that we are now in the "Highest Times".
One of the things that makes our times the “Highest” is the concept of modern technology, because it enables unlimited access to any desired information. Whereas in days gone by, it required much effort to find a response or discussion in a particular Sefer, such material is currently available with a simple click of a mouse.
Similarly, while one used to have to go out and find a reputable teacher to learn a given subject, today there are thousands of Shiurim and Divrei Torah being delivered online.
One of the most beautiful breakthroughs in teaching is credited to my dear friend Horav Menachem Sabbach שליט"א from Melbourne Australia, who designed a fabulous app through which Bar Mitzvah boys can learn their Maamar. Even if a boy does not know Yiddish, he will be able to learn and understand the Maamar, and, most importantly, say it like a pro.
I take this opportunity to wish Rabbi Sabbach שליט"א much
להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה.
Rabbi of the European Synagogue - Brussels
It is my pleasure to recommend the “Bar Mitzvah Maamar app”, which has been thoroughly researched and developed by Rabbi Menachem Sabbach, director of Bar Mitzvah Online.
This app is an unbelievable tool that uses modern day technology to bring the Maamar to life to the boys of today. It is my belief that this app will become an integral aid for all Bar Mitzvah boys when approaching their Bar mitzvah preparations.
Much Hatzlocho!
Author - Shvach Yokor and many other Halichik works